CSV files exported from TravelSpend are encoded in UTF-8. So when opening CSV files in Excel you need to import them using UTF-8 encoding.
Also, make sure to select the correct decimal separator and thousands separator during the import.
For Excel on Windows or MacO follow these steps:
- Open Excel
- Press “File” —> “Import”
- Select “CSV File” and press “Import”
- Go to the location of the CSV file, that you want to import.
- Choose “Delimited” and set the character encoding (might be called “File origin”) to “Unicode (UTF-8)” from the dropdown list.
- Check “My data has headers” or “Start import at row 1”. This is necessary because the first row of CSV file contains column names.
- Click next to display the second step of Text Import Wizard.
- Set the delimiter to a comma or semicolon (depends on how you exported it from TravelSpend).
- Click next to move to the third step.
- Select the “General” column.
- Press “Advanced…” and choose your decimal separator as well as the thousands separator. These should match the separator symbols used in the TravelSpend app.
- Click “OK” or “Finish”