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How does the remaining daily budget work?

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What does it mean for me and why is it useful?

The remaining daily budget is a dynamically calculated daily budget. It’s the amount of money, you can spend on average per day during the remainder of your trip without exceeding your overall budget. This information helps you to plan your daily spending for the rest of your trip - without exceeding your original budget for this trip. To put it simply, the remaining daily budget helps you to plan your “financial behavior” for the rest of your trip.

How to use the Remaining Daily Budget

We recommend to compare your “Today” metric to your remaining daily budget. This way you can make sure your daily spend does not exceed your remaining daily budget.

Your daily average spend should be compared to your initial daily budget instead.

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How is it calculated?

It’s what was left of your total trip budget at the start of today divided by the number of days left on your trip.


Your total trip length:
10 days
Your total budget:
Number of days you've been on your trip so far:
6 (4 days left)
All the expenses up to today:
What was left of your total trip budget at the start of today:
Your remaining daily budget:
€200 / 4 = €50

What happens if you exclude entries from the daily metrics?

By excluding entries from the daily metrics, the remaining daily budget will be reduced proportionally. If you excluded any expenses from the daily metrics, the calculation is as follows: What was left of your total trip budget at the start of today minus the total amount you’ve excluded from the daily metrics divided by the number of days left on your trip.


Your total trip length:
10 days
our total budget:
Number of days you've been on your trip so far:
6 (4 days left)
All the expenses up to today:
What was left of your total trip budget at the start of today:
Amount excluded from daily metrics:
Your remaining daily budget:
(€200 - €20) / 4 = €45

Note: By excluding entries from the daily metrics in the past entries, the remaining daily budget not be affected - only by excluding future expenses the remaining daily budget will be affected.

Tip: The entire topic of excluding expenses from the daily metrics can get quite tricky in some cases. We recommend reading this section to get a better understanding of it.
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